
There is great reward in building a mosque (or participating in it) for Allah’s sake. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim].
You can pay your Sadqa Fitrah into below mentioned account. The amount of Sadqa Fitrah is 50 SEK.
If you are unable to do fasting do to some reasons like permanent illness or old age then you can simply feed (pay hadiya to) a poor person. The amount of feed (hadiya) is 50 SEK for one day fast.

By cheque, postal order or bankers draft:

Please make cheques payable to: Tensta Islamiska Kulturförening
And Send it to:
Masjid e Umar
Husingeplan 16
163 63 Spånga

By paying direct into our bank account:

Name of Beneficiary:
Masjid e Umar
Beneficiary’s Bank:
Nordea Banken
Stockholm Sweden
Plus Gironummer:
Bank Gironummer: