About Us

Islamic cultural association founded in 1996. Purpose for making the mosque association in Tensta, to organize the various religious activities both for youth and children. Alhamdolilliah mosque is opening for all salat at their time and there is an Imam who leads the prayer. We are arranging lectures for youths once a month. We also planning to arrange the lectures for adult men and women.

   Become a member

Support Mosque and become a member of the Tensta Islamic Culture Association. Membership fee is 500 SEK per month per person for active member. Membership fee for passive member is between 100 SEK and 300 SEK. Membership fee can pay in cash or by Plusgiro 76 59 72-5 eller bankgiro 332-5677. Do you have any questions please send a e-mail to info@masjideomar.se or call on 070-479 22:37